Change History for PublicContact

Version Date Author Comment
18 2 years maxigas Clarify how to obtain the list key for contacting us: the keyserver …
17 5 years Alster simplify and rephrase 'backup contacts'
16 6 years garcon du monde removed references to tachanka-users list which no longer exists
15 8 years garcon du monde Added SOP link
14 11 years maxigas
13 12 years rhatto OpenPGP key
12 12 years garcon du monde updated gpg info to include 'long' key id format
11 12 years garcon du monde updated email contact section
10 13 years Alster make it more obvious that the backup contacts are only for emergencies
9 14 years Alster added announcement archives llnk
8 15 years Alster
7 15 years garcon du monde added links to other public pages
6 16 years garcon du monde
5 16 years dkg
4 16 years dkg
3 16 years dkg
2 16 years garcon du monde
1 16 years garcon du monde